Learn how to butcher a Lamb in your own backyard

Join our Lamb and Hunters class

An In-person Learning Experience

We know that it can feel overwhelming trying to figure out new things by yourself, like how to butcher a lamb or deer. You don't know what you're doing and unlike 100 years ago, your neighbor also doesn't know how to butcher an animal. We offer an in-person butcher experience where we teach you everything you need to know about taking your lamb from the field to the freezer. If you're a hunter, this is also the course for you. Processing a deer is the same as processing a lamb. Learn how to process your deer and you can avoid processing fees.

What You'll Learn:

Sign up for our butcher class

Participate in this
in-person learning experience

Feel Confident to butcher animals in your backyard

What STUDENTS have to say about our classes:

"It was really well-run. There were enough people that it didn’t feel overwhelming, even for a first-timer. It was a great learning experience, even for kids!"
"I would definitely recommend this class! We learned so much, the people were super helpful and knowledgeable and overall had the best experience! So glad we signed up for this class!"
"It was an absolutely awesome and extremely informative day. The class was way more than I expected."
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Each ticket is good for one adult. Children are free. 

Butcher Day

Lamb Butcher Day - October 26th

This is good for one person for lamb butcher day.
